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Hi 👋 I'm Hafid Yusuf

Hafid -
Hafid Yusuf - The most awesome UI/UX DesignerYusuf

They call me a gennie the way I make their wish come true, when in reality I’m just an
Interactive Digital Product Designer

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Product Manager, UI/UX Designer, Front-End Developer
Work Thumbnail - Capsul Clothing


Product Designer
Work Thumbnail - PINA


UX Designer, UI Designer
Work Thumbnail - Capsul Clothing


UX Designer, UI Designer
Work Thumbnail - Capsul Clothing
See All Of My Work
Why Having Plain Boring Website When There’s Infinite ∞ Possibility Of What You Can Create
Make your brand stand out through it’s website, I can help you with that
About Me
I don’t do this only for the money, I love designing and I want to share it to the world, that’s why i made all of this for FREE!
Free Landing Page Template
Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates
Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates Bunch Of Templates
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